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The PYRAMID OF LOVE AND GRATITUDE is to honor African Americans for their contribution to this Nation Past and Present to Eternity.

The pyramid is designed to signify the plight of the African American. Composed of two common yet distinct areas; first the base, containing the colors, Onyx, Pearl, and Gold; and second the diamond.



 The Base:

Onyx - The color Onyx symbolizes "Centering,", the foundation of our Nation in which the Black Man, Woman and Child gave their lives to build a Nation for which we are so grateful.

Pearl - The Pearl color is said to represent "Purity", the Black Man's intention in all they have given, in all walks of life.

Gold - Symbolizing "Health", the Black Man's abundance of Love, Faith, and Togetherness as ONE.

The Diamond
: The diamond which sits atop the pyramid symbolizes the African American people.



Only when you open your heart to the love that has been waiting for you in the univerce; Only then will you understand the true meaning of life and living.


"The Tribute To Our First African- American President" President Barack Obama and his family, First Lady Michelle Obama, & daughters Sasha and Malia

This Pyramid of Love and Gratitude is to give acknowledgement to all our fallen heroes that lost their lives to ensure freedom and equal opportunity for every man, women and child no mater what your race.

       President Abraham Lincoln signed the Proclamation of Emancipation in 1863 to free the slaves, General Gordon Granger delivered general order #3 19th of June 1865, slavery was declared unconstitutional. President Lincoln also felt so strong for freedom for all so much that he changed political parties to end slavery forever; he gave his life for what he and many others believe was the godly thing to do.

       John F. Kennedy believed in the fair equal rights who worked very close with Martin Luther King, together they both shared the same belief as so many others did as well, freedom and justice for all. 

   Finally the last fallen hero Martin Luther King Jr. he had a dream that is becoming a reality. Martin Luther King did create the staircase and we all have taken the first steps towards his dream of true unity and a colorless society. 

These Heroes all still live within our hearts and they did not die in vain. They are very much a part of our world and always will be.  Their dreams are now becoming a reality. I believe our past & even present heroes have and will guide us all to fulfill the dream of true unity. The pyramid is the next step to ensure we always move forward by unifying the dreams of our past heroes.  I bless our President and his family and thank him for being so strong and being a real leader and roll model for our country for the present and our future. The number three holds so many truths.

#3 The Past, Present And the Future # 3 Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

What is the Pyramid and why does it now exist? The Pyramid has many strong points about it. The first is that the strength of the triangle is the strongest in all shapes and the Pyramid shape is a sign of change.

The colors of The Pyramid of love and Gratitude speak for themselves. This is the time for us to come together as one and open our hearts to freedom. To experience true love and happiness is what this Pyramid is all about. Proper thinking is to believe in yourself, When you have experience this type of learning you only have love in your heart and all there is to learn about life. With this knowledge we can all be heroes and make the dreams of unity became reality. Unity is for us to be the human race. Not the foundered by color or even religion.

This dream and many others can become reality when we unite as one people, one race, one world. And this is the correct way to exist as one.

“Only when you open your heart to the love that has been waiting for you in the universe; only then will you understand the true meaning of life and living.”

                                       Melinda Pearce

       “The Soul awaits direction from the spirit. Therefore God is waiting patiently for us all to come together as one.”

                                       Unknown Author


 The Pyramid of Love and Gratitude
In honor African Americans Past and Present to Eternity

Orlando, Florida




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